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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Perceived effects of precautionary suspensions on service delivery in a South African provincial government department

Author: Charlotte Makhuzeni Nicolene Barkhuizen Joel Maubane

Affiliation: North-West University

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2023-04-10 18:15:20

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Perceived effects of precautionary suspensions on service delivery in a South African provincial government department

The practice of precautionary suspensions of senior management in local government has drastically increased over the past decade. Evidence suggests that government departments don't always comply with the processes and procedural requirements for precautionary suspensions. This research investigated the perceived effect of precautionary suspensions on service delivery in a South African provincial government department. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six managers (N=6). The findings showed that precautionary suspensions are not fairly applied and according to prescribed legislative frameworks. Precautionary suspensions have a negative effect on the service delivery and performance of the department. The findings also show that suspensions have a negative impact on the morale of directors and subsequent employee motivation. Recommendations for research and practice are made.