The data on recidivism can be really misleading due to the fact that the direct measurement on recidivism may preclude some of the offenders who ought to form part of the data due to the type of measurement that the system is utilising. The statistics on recidivism might be inconsistent but recent data portray that education has a serious impact on recidivism. According to Bednarowski (2010), the governments should invest a great deal in the educational programmes for the inmates as educating an offender reduces recidivism dramatically and it also reduces the costs associated with long term of housing incarcerated offenders. Recent studies indicate that the general numbers for recidivism are that 50% to 70% of offenders recidivate within a period of three years. However, the impact that the educational programmes have on recidivism is that the rate is reduced by at least 29%. Recidivism is mostly defined by researchers and organisati