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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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Equity or equality? public service delivery and community development in South Africa

Author: Nontobeko C. Shabangu Thanyani S. Madzivhandila

Affiliation: University of Mpumalanga

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:22:53

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Equity or equality? public service delivery and community development in South Africa

After 23 years of democracy, South Africa has thrived and overcome various social issues that have heavily plagued its citizens. The government has seen to it that various policies and strategies are put in place as guidelines for South Africa's development agenda, vision and objectives, namely the National Development Plan vision 2030. From the NDP emanated the concepts of high quality public service and social cohesion. Undoubtedly the delivery of efficient, effective and human orientated public service plays a pivotal role in ensuring the realisation of an area's development agenda and objectives. National and Provincial offices receive mandates to formulate strategies and policies which are in line with the needs and social conditions of their communities. This article focuses on public service in South Africa, taking into consideration the intended impact that the government's public service delivery has had on inequ