Apartheid, which is systemic racism or tolerated institutionalised racial segregation, is the epitome of man's inhumanity to man with many attributes, imprints and indelible manifestations. These manifestations are evident in the social, economic, cultural and, most importantly, the psychology of the people. South Africa (SA), as a nation, is still in the process of rebuilding and transforming itself into the exact opposite of what it was, but this has proven both laborious and complex. There is perhaps no greater manifestation of this than in the housing sector where society witnesses daily riots and demonstrations on the shortages with its attendant problems of non-availability or inadequacy of services, crime and criminality, and many more. Paradoxically, there is no country in Sub-Saharan Africa that has invested in and/or built more houses than the Republic of South Africa, but there is equally no nation as vociferous in the