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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Land foreignisation in Brazil : contemporary issues regarding law, investments and transnational land acquisition

Author: Thiago Lima Iale Pereira

Affiliation: Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2023-04-10 17:59:58

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Land foreignisation in Brazil : contemporary issues regarding law, investments and transnational land acquisition

Despite its huge agricultural landmass, Brazil is a country marked by continuous social conflicts around the distribution of land, and the agrarian reform has never advanced enough to accommodate the millions of landless families. Recently, this issue received another ingredient, as Michel Temer's government is pursuing the liberalization of transnational acquisition of land, arguing that this would boost investment in infrastructure and in the modernization of production. Critics say that it would increase the price of land, complicating further the attempts of land redistribution either through disappropriation or indenization. Besides, it would push the agricultural frontier deeper inside the country, jeopardizing peasants and the ecosystem. This article aims to present this discussion by analyzing, through qualitative literature assessment, the current government efforts in the context of the global land rush. To do so, we de