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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Prioritising Arts and Culture Activities in Saldanha Bay Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa

Author: Jean-Pierre Lesch1 and Stanford Cronje1

Affiliation: Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2024-03-19 10:10:04

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)

Abstract: Prioritising Arts and Culture Activities in Saldanha Bay Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa

The notion around the priority of arts and culture within the Saldanha Bay Municipal area has been debated for a long time – whether the municipality is lending support to the industry or making resources available to the youth who are interested in the industry. This paper investigated the priority of the arts and culture sector and industry and the development of it within the Saldanha Bay Municipal area. Literature around this topic highlighted public finance as a major source in prioritising arts and culture. The funds that derived from National Government are strategically allocated to departments and local government activities that are approved by the municipal manager under the advice of the Chief Financial Officer. The objectives of this research paper are to explain the legislative framework for arts and culture, to describe the importance of Arts and Cultural activities within the community, to explain common challen