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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Factors Influencing Women's Advancement Into Managerial Positions at a Steel Manufacturing Company (A Case Study)

Author: Nelda Mouton, Keatlegile M Modise, Alfred Henrico and Caleb M Adelowo

Affiliation: North-West University Business School ArcelorMittal North-West University

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2024-03-28 13:20:31

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)

Abstract: Factors Influencing Women's Advancement Into Managerial Positions at a Steel Manufacturing Company (A Case Study)

This study explores factors influencing the advancement of women into managerial positions at a steel manufacturing company based in Gauteng, South Africa. It further examines the level of gender-balanced leadership in the organisations, the pros and cons of having women in leadership positions, and ascertains existing strategies put in place to pave the way for women leadership in the organisation. Primary data was sourced from a steel manufacturing company in Gauteng Province through a structured questionnaire with 134 participants. The results showed fair gender representation in the sample as 45.5% of the participants are females. The results further show that there is no equal opportunity for men and women to lead key departments in the organisation, as exciting and challenging positions are reserved for men. The job flexibility required for women to maintain a work-life balance is found to be absent in the steel company. Other