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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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Customer relationship management in government : the case of the government employees pension fund of South Africa

Author: P.A. Brynard H. Fisher

Affiliation: P.A. Brynard H. Fisher University of Pretoria

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:55:05

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Customer relationship management in government : the case of the government employees pension fund of South Africa

The concept of customer relationship management is premised on fostering lasting relationships in order to provide improved services to customers. Electronic service delivery has become a way of life to many whilst others are excluded as a result of what is referred to as the digital divide. As technologies evolve they are assimilated into the workplace. Whilst private companies have adopted many technologies to improve services to clients, governments have realised their importance and are increasingly adopting them to enhance service delivery. Many cumbersome public administrative strategies have been translated into electronic format. E-administration, of which customer relationship management forms an integral part, is an effort by Government to manage and improve the relationship with the citizen as client. Whilst the paper is premised on the case of the Government Employees Pension Fund of South Africa, the principle of e-admin