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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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The management of the selection and supervision of postgraduate research students in Public Administration : facing difficult challenges

Author: D.J. Brynard

Affiliation: UNISA

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:54:05

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: The management of the selection and supervision of postgraduate research students in Public Administration : facing difficult challenges

The throughput rates of postgraduate research students in Public Administration seem to be relatively low, the drop-out rates very high and the quality of postgraduate research rather poor. In an attempt to address this unfortunate situation, this article focuses on the management of the selection process of prospective postgraduate students as well as the supervision of such students. It is proposed that an admission policy be employed, which provides for a period of grace during which maximum intellectual and technical support can be rendered by a specialist committee to prospective students. This is then followed by an important selection process of appropriate supervisors, to ensure that admitted students and supervisors are well-matched. To further empower the supervisory relationship, a well-managed system of joint supervision is employed to ensure a teamwork approach which promises benefits to both the student and the supervis