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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
From a separated to a unified public service : the search for seamless delivery of public services in South Africa

Author: T. Khalo

Affiliation: T. Khalo Department of Public Management Tshwane University of Technology

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2022-04-25 23:27:51

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: From a separated to a unified public service : the search for seamless delivery of public services in South Africa

A developmental state like South Africa requires a capable and effective public service to implement its national development plan. In essence, to achieve its developmental goals, South Africa will have to depend upon the commitment, strength and competence of public servants who must convert the stated developmental goals into coherent programmes. Currently, the South African government is structured into three spheres; the national, provincial and local. Each of the three spheres derives its public service delivery mandate and competence from the Constitution, 1996. Furthermore, in terms of the Constitution the public service is comprised of the national and provincial spheres of government, while the local sphere of government remains distinct and independent from the other two. Therefore, this structure has led to a public service delivery by national and provincial spheres on the one hand and the local sphere on the other. Conse