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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Talent management -

Author: P. Pillay M. Subban B. Qwabe

Affiliation: University of KwaZulu Natal

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2022-04-25 23:40:26

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Talent management -

A tone deaf will never be able to appreciate the music of maestros. Only a seasoned jeweller would know that all that glitters is not real? And, only those who can recognise the worth of a diamond can value it, for others it's just a stone! Talent is doing easily what others fine difficult (The Hindu 2004). As South Africa embarks on its journey into the second decade of democracy, major strides have been made on the political, economic, social and legislative spheres. A plethora of legislation and policy directions count as the most progressive in the world. However, many challenges remain. One of these is the shortage of professional and managerial skills and the imbalances at these levels. In any organisation, there is nothing more crucial than fitting the right people in the right position. Talent management is difficult to define but it is a complex undertaking that operates within the strategic human resource framework. Tal