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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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The South African presidential participation programme (imbizo) : a mechanism towards participatory governance

Author: O. Hartslief

Affiliation: University of Johannesburg

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:50:02

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: The South African presidential participation programme (imbizo) : a mechanism towards participatory governance

The South African Presidential Participation Programme (imbizo) encapsulates an active reciprocal participatory programme through which South African citizens provide feedback on policy delivery. The imbizo, in its traditional form, has constituted an important aspect of the African political system for many centuries, especially in South Africa. It is only during the presidential term of Mr. Mbeki, the former President of the Republic of South Africa, that the concept was revived to a position of importance in the contemporary lexicon and formal governance setting. This deliberative approach is in line with the dominant discourse of alternative policy-making processes as encouraged by the United Nations in the field of public administration and management internationally. This article, explores the imbizo as a South African indigenous participatory programme, uniquely driven by the President of South Africa. It highlights the challe