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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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South Africa's response to the global financial crisis : implications for public administration

Author: H. Kroukamp

Affiliation: University of the Free State

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:48:06

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: South Africa's response to the global financial crisis : implications for public administration

The changes presented by globalisation put increasing pressure on the public service to deliver more and better services to the citizens and to ensure effective governance. This has been complicated by the global financial crisis experienced since September 2008. The crisis, however, created opportunities for emerging market economies such as South Africa to strengthen economic growth. As this is a prerequisite for improved service delivery and an opportunity to rectify the negative perceptions of the current public service, alternative strategies and management approaches need to be adopted. The public service responded through inter alia international co-operation with governments and the private sector and by adopting a new economic growth path. Based on evidence from the literature and the empirical study, guidelines for ensuring good governance include reporting, accountability measures, transparency, and protecting the public i