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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Ethics, integrity and good governance : the case of South Africa's local sphere of government

Author: T.R. Mle S. Maclean

Affiliation: 1University of Fort Hare 2Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2022-05-08 20:26:46

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Ethics, integrity and good governance : the case of South Africa's local sphere of government

The Republic of South Africa is a sovereign democratic state founded on human dignity, non-racialism and a multi-party system of democratic government to ensure accountability, responsiveness and openness. Governance is executed through three spheres, namely, national, provincial and local. Because of its nearness to communities, the local sphere is, in the South African context, seen as the service delivery arm of government in ensuring the provision of services, for example, water, electricity, and sanitation. This sphere is, however, plagued by unethical behaviour, lack of integrity and zero good governance in the execution of its constitutional mandate as evidenced by violent service delivery protests by communities throughout the country, and adverse audit opinions. The major challenges facing the local sphere of government which nullify or negate ethical conduct, integrity and good governance, are self-enrichment through the te