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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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The evolution of environmental stewardship as a leadership philosophy for the South African public sector : critical considerations

Author: D.B. Jarbandhan

Affiliation: University of Johannesburg

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:28:16

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: The evolution of environmental stewardship as a leadership philosophy for the South African public sector : critical considerations

The leadership debate has gained momentum on the political, social and economic front; however very little has been said on the issue of developing leaders who have a vision of a greener and environmentally sustainable future for the country. South Africa, and the rest of the African continent, faces tremendous challenges from a climate change perspective due to multiple stresses and low levels of adaptability to changes in the environment. The National Development Plan (NDP) makes it clear that South Africa's future is dependent on a low-carbon energy sector and an investment in a green economy. Consequently, this paper brings to the fore the need for an environmental leadership agenda, one that puts forward a stewardship philosophy to implement the tenets of the NDP. It is also evident that in South Africa there are adequate resources, there is a plan (NDP), and good leadership role models, but arguably the current cohort of le