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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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What constrains a transformed public service in Uganda?

Author: B.C. Basheka

Affiliation: Uganda Technology and Management University

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:28:16

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: What constrains a transformed public service in Uganda?

The reassertion of government's role in the last decade has led to a revival of scholarly and practitioner interest in public services, more so in developing countries (Batley, McCourt & Mcloughlin, 2011). The most contentious debate, however, remains first, how best to offer the public services efficiently and effectively and second, what usually stands in the way of most governments to have functional public service systems. Governments deliver services only through efficient and effective public service systems, which ought to be driven by core public service values as opposed to 'managerial values'. Public servants are the backbone and heartbeat of the public service (Mle, 2012:29). In 2011, the government of Uganda adopted, through the Ministry of Public Service, a tripartite panacea for public service ailments that include strategies to improve the public service infrastructure (structures, processes, systems an