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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Gender mainstreaming practices and women's career advancement at Bank of Uganda

Author: S.K. Aliu G.K. Karyeija P.O. Naggita

Affiliation: 1Bank of Uganda 2Uganda Management Institute

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2023-04-10 18:47:54

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Gender mainstreaming practices and women's career advancement at Bank of Uganda

The purpose of the study was to establish the extent to which gender mainstreaming practices influenced women's career advancement in the Bank of Uganda (BOU). Specifically, the study strived to establish the extent to which internal recruitment practices, women safety practices and work-family balance practices influenced women's career development in the BOU. The study used a cross sectional design adopting both quantitative and qualitative approaches on a sample of 93 respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview guide. The study established that internal recruitment gender practice predicted 45.7%, women's safety practice predicted 46.6% while work-family balance predicted 36.3% of the variance in women's career advancement. The study concludes that the problem of women's career advancement in the BOU prevails and is highly associated with procedural inequality in internal recruitment and