Published Articles

Latest Articles : 2006

This Research Methodology is one of the most significant contributions to the plethora of publications on research methodology that have been published in recent years. ...

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2021-Jun-13 01:19:11

The transformation of the South African local government system in the early 1990s saw the issue of service delivery related to the establishment of developmental local government come to the forefront of the debate. Since then municipalities have become an effective partner in the state's obligation to provide a better life for all. The new interim system of local government introduced in 1993 and consolidated in 2000 with the re-demarcation process is founded on the assumption that for ...

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2021-Jun-13 01:16:17

Since local government is the nearest to service users it is expected that it is at the forefront of service delivery. Local government needs to demonstrate that performance is managed, measured and improved on a continuous basis. For this purpose it must develop a comprehensive performance management system. The development of such a system is, however, not without challenges and local government should identify crucial elements which should be incorporated in such a system. The aim of this ...

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2021-Jun-13 01:13:03

This article seeks to analyse the fiscal sustainability of municipalities in South Africa in view of increasing protests about the poor level of service delivery - especially in the smaller municipalities. International evidence also reflects disappointment with the classical view that government closer to people addresses the allocation problem more effectively with the lower spheres of government more accountable to the residents. The lack of "hard budget constraints" with revenue ...

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2021-Jun-13 01:09:39

Local government is an integral part of the democratic governmental system that has emerged in Uganda since the 1850s. The new local government dispensation seeks to enhance the participation of the local citizenry and civil service organisations in local governance thereby providing a legitimate vehicle for democratic expression. It is generally accepted that a process of decentralisation should probably best be judged against its objectives to build a sustainable municipal service while pro ...

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2021-Jun-13 01:06:33

This article is based on a consultancy report dealing with environmental health that was undertaken for the West Coast District Municipality in 2004. It has two main objectives. Firstly, it is an examination of the most costeffective and efficient options for the delivery of this service. There was a dispute between the West Coast District Municipality and some local municipalities in its jurisdiction about which level of local government should provide the service and the consulting team was ...

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2021-Jun-13 01:03:37