Published Articles

Latest Articles : 2010

The article provides a snapshot examination of what it considers to be 'standard' research on corruption conducted by researchers in South African research institutions. These include the Institute for Security Studies, Public Service Accountability Monitor, Human Sciences Research Council and the University of the Witwatersrand. The article argues that, generally, the studies on corruption in South Africa are short-term, lack a longitudinal research perspective, often fragmented init ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:48:37

The exclusion of Africans, women and the disabled from employment and active participation in the economy, has until recent years been a defining characteristic of the South African private and public sectors. As far back as the founding of the Union of South Africa in 1910, laws were passed to improve the lot of the White minority at the expense of other population groups. Blacks, women and the disabled were considered second class citizens not deserving equal and fair treatment in employmen ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:44:57

Constant media exposure of organisational wrong-doing; unethical dealings and illegal practices have come to dominate the discussions on corporate governance. Such exposures are normally brought about by, among others, stake-holder activism and organisational employees. Usually, in such cases, employees have had prior knowledge about the organisational misdeeds, but chose not to, or were afraid to speak out. If they did speak out, then organisational retaliation would befall the individual wh ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:41:38

Does the current intergovernmental relations system in South Africa add value to integrated developmental planning in the local sphere of government? This question directs the discourse of this article. It is asked in the context of a myriad of arguments and research findings in the contemporary body of knowledge on local government, indicating that most municipalities in South Africa are unable to develop credible IDPs. The intergovernmental relations variable in this article is explored to ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:38:25

This article predicates the leadership dilemmas and progress made by many African countries since independence of individual nation states. The concept, leadership has evolved over decades with several authors attempting to have one universally accepted definition, even though this is difficult. Put simply, leadership is the ability to have influence over people towards the effective achievements of goals and shared vision. Further elucidation will depend on the institution and the context, w ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:35:02

The primary means of HIV transmission - sexual intercourse - has been known for over two decades, but that information does not prevent thousands of men and women from contracting the virus every day. The AIDS epidemic creates a high and ongoing mortality in the economic and social active sector of populations in sub-Saharan Africa. The epidemic is being driven by inequities and uneven development, exacerbating existing poverty and human misery. In hard-hit countries in sub-Saharan Africa, th ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:32:09

Municipalities in South Africa have undergone rigorous change that has not only manifested in terms of structural adjustments, but included expansion of roles to respond to the changing expectations of roles to respond to the changing expectations of communities. Municipalities have had to engender massive development interventions to respond to their domestic legislative obligations and a plethora of international treaties. Recent legislative obligations not only necessitate municipal philos ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:29:33

Since the advent of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) in 1999, with the aim, to eliminate unfair discrimination and promote affirmative action in the workplace, implementation has been less than satisfactory. The Act (EEA), a public policy, demands of employers, both public and private, to meet partcular equity targets within their workplaces. The Act further requires that employers should report on progress achieved in meeting these targets. Such targets include, inter alia, the employment of ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:26:27

The policy implementation research literature has identified several variables that influence implementation. This article will mainly focus on sense-making in the implementation process. What a policy means for the implementers is constituted in the interaction of their knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes with the situation. The understanding of the policy message is influenced by individual cognition, situated cognition and the role of the implementing agents. The implementing agents sometime ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:22:55

On-the-job training, the inculcation and development of skills of employees at the workplace, is a sine qua non for increased productivity and morale. These latter attendant attributes are the bedrock of the broader human resource management strategy, to enable municipalities to improve governance systems. The government has created an enabling environment through the enactment of legislations such as the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act 97 of 1998) and the White Paper on Public Service Trai ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:20:02

This article explains the role of the Royal Bafokeng Administration in the promotion of municipal service delivery. The article lists the governing, administrative and management processes which are relevant to the promotion of municipal service delivery. It also examines the traditional system of the Royal Bafokeng, municipal services and infrastructure development. The article outlines a comprehensive explanation of how the Royal Bafokeng Administration has shifted from being a traditional ...

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2021-Jun-19 19:16:11

Restitution has to be made in a highly political environment, making the planning and design of restitution programmes in rural, peri-urban and urban areas extremely complex. The development of governance structures for restitution programmes is influenced by policy instruments that have to consider taxation effects and their impact on economic behaviour, as well as predict outcomes that transcend the objective functions. The complexity is exacerbated by limited scientific evidence and the ab ...

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2021-Jun-19 17:59:54

The economic recession is, in public administration, recognised as an environmental condition that emanates from the external economic environment within which government institutions operate. Its impact is felt by business, government and communities. The typical impact of the recession on business holds negative implications for government, in particular municipalities and communities. Despite the existing, though limited general research on recession in public administration as a field of ...

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2021-Jun-19 17:53:53

Whilst many developing countries engage in sound policy processes on macro level as far as economic and social development are concerned, the day-to-day victual needs of impoverished communities also depend on sound policies as well as appropriate arrangements, which take effect in the municipal sphere. Such needs, as food security, is dependant on the establishment of effective partnership agreements among all stakeholders, including local councils, district councils as well as metropolitan ...

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2021-Jun-19 17:48:13

The impetus that informs the drive for a developmental state that promotes growth and development hinges on the capacity of the local sphere of government to effectively discharge its responsibilities. The thrust of this article is to examine the current state of local government in respect to its developmental mandate, service delivery and institutional capacity. Further, the article reflects on the cardinal elements integral for the viability, sustenance and excellence pertinent to the loca ...

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2021-Jun-19 17:42:12

Public Administration has reluctantly been accepted as a science by some of its sister disciplines in the Social Sciences. This may be ascribed to the eclectic nature of the Discipline and its reliance on related disciplines to explain, direct and inform study and practice. Public Administration studies human beings engaged in administrative and managerial duties in organs of state. Therefore, any study should consider the behaviour and actions of human beings in an organisational setting ope ...

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2021-Jun-19 17:37:21

Usage of the word ipsedixitism in the topic and content of this article is deliberate. The intention is to engender a sense of curiosity. For, being curious is to be in a state of thinking. The search for knowledge is by its nature driven by curiosity. To the Public Administration community of scholarship ipsedixitism may sound alien in the mainstream parlance of the discipline. This may also be the case in the current lingua franca. So, the question is, what does ipsedixitism mean? This ques ...

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2021-Jun-19 17:33:03