Published Articles

Latest Articles : 2016

The profundity of history is in the narrative of those who are a part of it. Like all those who consciously assumed a selfless posture in the fight against apartheid, Barry Gilder is part of the history of African nationalism. He tells his story in a self-authored book, Songs & Secrets. Blurbed with his picture emerging from an obscured background symbolising a supposedly dark world of intelligence, coupled with a catchy title, and a narrative styled with a penchant for metaphors – ...

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2021-Jun-24 09:09:23

Education is a human right. For many people, it may often be the only way to escape a life of poverty; for nations, it is crucial for development and growth. Education ideally transmits values, such as integrity, equality and social justice, and the sense of shared responsibility and is, thus, a key to social cohesion and good governance. For a long time, Universities in South Africa have been able to manage their affairs autonomously at all levels – strategical, operational and tactica ...

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2021-Jun-24 09:05:35

This article is an articulation of the significance and the role of social media in the enhancement and consolidation of good governance in the public service. This article commences by highlighting the importance of communication as a human need in the course of service delivery, and proceeds to highlight the importance of good governance and leadership in the delivery of services. This article further notes that good governance and leadership, in the public service, can be enhanced and cons ...

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2021-Jun-24 09:00:47

The institutionalisation of cultural policy has, to date, become an effective tool for culture-led development in some parts of the world. South Africa is yet to fully embrace this phenomenon in its developmental matrix. While the government has introduced certain strategies, such as the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), to coordinate its post-apartheid development imperatives across all of its spheres, role players, such as politicians, town planners and developers, continue to carry on wit ...

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2021-Jun-24 08:56:17

The South African public service has an ageing workforce that will soon retire with a volume of untapped institutional knowledge that would be a total loss, if it is not retained. The knowledge and capabilities of Baby Boomers (BB), Generation X (Gen X), Generation Y (Gen Y) and Generation Z (Gen Z) are a means to build institutional human resource (HR) capacity. This article examines the extent to which generational competence may enhance the public service HR capacity to provide better serv ...

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2021-Jun-24 08:51:44

The South African Government set up the Mining Qualifications Authority in 1996, under the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996, to train mineworkers on health and safety issues in order to minimise mine injuries and deaths. Later, the then Minister of Labour re-established the Authority as a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) in 2000, when SETAs were set up to replace the old Industry Training Boards (Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998). The mandate of SETAs includes providing ...

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2021-Jun-24 08:48:00

The purpose of this article is to illustrate the importance of community participation in developing and implementing the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). Furthermore, the study provides a conceptual framework and epistemology for the public's participation from a holistic perspective. Community participation is a crucial element or principle for the responsiveness, transparency and accountability of elected political and public officials to the community, as far as pertinent and basic ...

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2021-Jun-24 08:33:13

This study is prompted by the challenge for effective mass mobilisation and community participation in rural development and service delivery. The study critically surveys mass mobilisation and community participation in rural development, at the grass roots, as a medium for minimising the problem of insecurity occasioned by poverty and criminality. Notably, sub-Saharan Africa is home to some of the 10 poorest countries in the world. The region has one of the most porous and unregulated borde ...

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2021-Jun-24 08:25:42

In the context of Africa's struggle against global trade regimes and their governance, this paper examines how the exercise of intellectual property rights on biopharmaceutical products, such as antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), results in a clash of interests between national governments and pharmaceutical companies. It is contended that these conflicts produce serious effects on public health, especially in developing African countries. The clash between the South African government and majo ...

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2021-Jun-24 08:13:59

The Latin American Studies on the locality of universal knowledge has since given birth to the renewed engagement of the epistemological origins of universal knowledge. This movement sought to demystify that the universal knowledge repository rests squarely on western origins. In essence, the movement argues that universal knowledge belongs to all human kind without claiming that "a privileged" social group owns and enjoys the upper hand in its ownership and utilisation. Assuming th ...

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2021-Jun-24 07:56:15

For over two decades, since 1994, the ANC as the governing party served a societal leadership role and its current disintegration threatens our societal and government stability. There is no doubt about the fact that the African National Congress has sought to espouse societal political issues since its establishment in 1912 (as the South African Native National Congress). This kind of elevation was essentially demonstrated during the colonial and apartheid years (1948-1994), with the culmina ...

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2021-Jun-24 07:44:45